Upcoming AGM for the APPG on Frozen British Pensions

May 4, 2023 Frozen British Pensions 7 Comments

The 2023 Annual General Meeting of the APPG on Frozen British Pensions is being held in Parliament on Wednesday the 14th of June, from 14.30-15.30.

The APPG will be meeting to officially reform the group in the new parliament and elect parliamentarians to officer roles within the group. Following the elections, members will discuss the ongoing case to end the UK Government’s frozen pensions policy.

We hope to welcome new parliamentarians with an interest in this issue as well as our valued APPG members from both the Commons and Lords.


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  1. Julie Stephens
    May 12, 2023 - 5:23 am

    My husband and I both worked half of our working life’s in the UK before emigrating to Canada. We will start claiming our UK pension in 2028 and 2031 respectively. This ridiculous situation will cause us hardship that will get worse with every year that passes. it’s hard to be believe it is legal. At the very least let us take the total value of our UK fund and allow us to invest it with our financial planner in Canada. I pray this is resolved before we reach 2028. It is very stressful and we both feel quite helpless.

  2. BrianSlade
    May 30, 2023 - 5:52 am

    I was in your position 13 years ago when I started claiming my State Pension as a permanent resident in South Africa. Today I still receive the same amount as I did 13 years ago, whilst my wealthy friends living in Mauritius enjoy full index-linked pensions. The situation is cruel and illogical and I hope it is resolved before you retire to Canada and cease to be a burden on the UK NHS.

  3. john west
    June 9, 2023 - 9:53 am

    Yeah well my local old MP Holloway of Gravesham Kent has told me several times nd use a polite version but buggar off
    Wow an hour meet up of a jolly at our expenses AND ONLY AN ISSUE OF 77 YEARS SO FAR

  4. john west
    June 9, 2023 - 10:16 am

    Also and forgot

    Please those affected by this which is the vast majority and yes even those not affected please help us and spread the word and get in touch with the media and your local MP as no one is doing nything

  5. Bill Dodson
    July 9, 2023 - 1:08 am

    I started work in U K in 1944 became a railway fireman in 1946 we dragged Britain up by its bootstraps after 5 years of war , in1994 I was granted pension of 51 pounds a week at the age of 94 it’s still the same today I also did military service Bill Dodson

  6. Maureen
    July 23, 2023 - 4:44 pm

    I started to collect my UK pension in 2021. It is so disappointing that it will NEVER increase. My brother lives in the USA and he gets the annual increases. It really is a sad state of affairs.

  7. Andrea Morgan
    June 8, 2024 - 4:49 pm

    This situation of frozen British seniors pensions in some countries but not others is not sad its disgusting. And countries like Australia, Canada and New Zealand should be using their influence and clout to do more. A perfect example would be trade agreements. To think that an illegal immigrant or a bogus refugee that gets to the UK, never has to work or pay any income tax is treated with undeserved generosity,
    Whilst a Born British Senior is treated so shabbily.
    There must be other ways the UK can save money as opposed to stealing from British, seniors that choose to live abroad! Give us what we worked for and deserve!

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