Parliament dissolved, APPG activity paused for General Election
May 3, 2017 Frozen Pensions 0 Comments
From 3 May 2017 to 8 June 2017 Parliament will be dissolved for the General Election campaign. During this time there are no MPs and, consequentially, no All-Party Parliamentary Groups.
The APPG on Frozen British Pensions formally ceases to have status on 3 May and will not therefore be active during the election period.
Strict parliamentary rules prohibit APPGs from making public comment, holding events, undertaking research, issuing communications, or allowing others to do so in their name during a General Election. They are also prohibited from any sort of campaigning.
The APPG is therefore not able to reply to public correspondence or media inquiries during this time.
During the General Election campaign this website will not be updated. Existing content, and the group’s membership list, should be considered historic.
It is expected that newly elected parliamentary supporters of the case to unfreeze frozen British state pensions overseas will seek to re-form this APPG and to continue to use the group as a forum to coordinate the parliamentary campaign for reform on this issue in the new parliament.