Next APPG Meeting: 19th March 2019
February 20, 2019 Frozen British Pensions 13 Comments
The 2019 Annual General Meeting of the APPG for Frozen British Pensions is being held on Tuesday 19th March in Room Q in Portcullis House from 10am-11am.
The APPG will be meeting to elect new officers for 2019 and to discuss the ramifications of Brexit and the pensions of UK citizens living in the EU for the campaign to end the injustice of frozen pensions worldwide.
Last October, 94 year-old World War II veteran Anne Puckridge flew back to the UK from Canada to meet MPs and hand in a petition of over a quarter of million signatures to Downing Street, breathing new life into the movement to end frozen pensions. Since then there has been significant national media coverage of the issue. A strong and well supported APPG remains vital to the cause.
We hope to welcome new parliamentarians with an interest in this issue as well our valued APPG members from both the Commons and Lords.
Andy Robertson-Fox
February 25, 2019 - 2:15 pm
With the surplus in the NI fund estimated at GBP27.337 Billion at 2018/19 and predictd by GAD to continue to rise as follows
2019/20 – GBP 32.622 bn
2020/21 – GBP 40.909 bn
2021/22 – GBP 49.150 bn
2022/23 – GBP 56.249 bn
2013/24 – GBP 61.710 bn
Does this not seem to be an ideal time to highlight the frozen pension scandal with the government and point out the disgraceful mismatch between this surplus and the DWP admission that to index link the victims of this policy is just GBP 600 million per year?
And is it not time that MPs and Lords who support the campaign asked somewhat more attacking questions as to why the policy is maintained and not ones that simply provoke the boiler plate response prepared by the DWP of “legal responsibilities, agreements that allow for uprating and a long standing policy of successive governments”, none of which hold any water in explaining the denial to some but not others.
Brian Corrigan
February 27, 2019 - 5:16 am
Good to hear that there will be a meeting of the APPG on the 29th March 2019.
Perhaps,in light of the fact, that on the UK’s departure from the EU there will be no legal requirement or reciprocal agreement to uprate the pensions of the 240,000 plus U.K. expats living in the twenty seven states of the EU,the question could be raised that,if their pension uprating is to continue for them,why a similar arrangement can not be put in place to uprate the pensions of the 550,000 UK expat pensioners living in countries where their pensions have been frozen for the past seventy years?
Andy Robertson-Fox
February 27, 2019 - 6:38 am
Meeting is on 19th March not 29th (Brexit Day!!??).
Brian Corrigan
February 27, 2019 - 7:35 am
Sorry. Getting confused with my dates. Meant 19th March.
George Morley
February 27, 2019 - 5:07 pm
Both MP’s and CS workers code of conduct is broken ?
It is time for some honest verbal action by everyone in the APPG to finally deal with this issue as it will not just go away and the argument regarding cost does not hold up – in fact, having been deprived for 20 yrs now, I expect some compensation in addition to uprating to compensate for the past neglect and help to repay the borrowing that became a necessity over this time- after all it was our entitlement- denied in full Daylight ?
Brian Corrigan
March 1, 2019 - 5:01 am
Why is it necessary for the DWP to repeatadly make the statement that reciprocal agreements are necessary when it comes to uprating pensions,when they have already given notice that uprating of pensions is a domestic matter and as such reciprocal agreements are not required? Surely with the number of MP’s currently members of the APPG some one can bring this to the DWP’s attention and stop them making false statements?
George Morley
March 2, 2019 - 1:08 am
The suggestion that Partial Uprating is a solution is not acce[table and is insulting to those like myself who would see a pittance instead of any significant increased pension Full pension parity is the only satisfactory solution and it is affordable with the current Fund standing in a good surplus condition and forecast to increase considerably in the future.
Please, let us get this fraudulent pension into an open debate – ask questions and please speak up for us if you really believe in what you are here for – we hear nothing but silence and this denial continues and will never be addressed unless you speak for us as letters are ignored or replied to with no logical content
What is wrong :-
Fraud – this is obvious to anyone and does all UK Members of Parliament no favours because from outside , you are all responsible for this situation and so you are fighting for your own professional image as seen from abroad which is at an all time low especially in the Commonwealth countries where you made up a Charter and had it signed by the Queen on your behalf and she is now made to look a liar.
This particularly gets me down as she does not deserve this slight on her character.
I would bet that she would not have signed it if she knew that she would be denying the pensioners and look at the Windrush fiasco – still not sorted and they are affected as are the WASPI ladies and sitting on hands achieves nothing but speaking up should gain honest support.
LIES – about an agreement requirement –
This is insulting to all countries that are affected as it suggests that it is their fault for not “allowing ” UK Government to give us the uprating ?
You could take the DWP attitude and say that its been like that for a long time or come clean and tell it as it really is !
DISCRIMINATION – does not fit well with the Codes of Conduct of MP’s or of Civil Servants who I have written to but said I could not comment as I was not a member but they know it is being questioned and if they were to withdraw their labour -what then ?
This is contrary to just about every agreement ever signed -like UN , OECD and others where human rights are mentioned
As an ex-serviceman RAF , I have served my Queen and country from Kenya & Swaziland to Malaya & Singapore and feel totally abandoned now in retirement in sympathy with my cousin in New Zealand and sister-in-law in Australia bithb frozen like me and my wife while another cousin in USA sees no Problem.
I am now in Canada where Our Queen is revered.
I do not seek pity but respect and honesty. Thankyou.
steve wallman
March 2, 2019 - 7:35 am
Politicians only look after themselves ,do not care about normal working people especially if you live in a country they cant make money from.
Jane Davies
March 2, 2019 - 6:45 pm
NO…NO….NO to partial uprating, please stop saying this, this will still be discrimination. ALL state pensioners have paid for an indexed pension ALL are entitled to get one. End the injustice of frozen pensions NOW, for everyone.
I see MP’s have just awarded themselves a nice big pay rise of 2,000 pounds…..many frozen pensioners don’t even get that in a year.
How on earth can anyone think this acceptable?
Jeff Birkett
March 13, 2019 - 8:26 pm
It may be of interest that the Australian Government has reacted to the freezing of pension payments to UK citizens who move to Australia by denying UK citizens who return to the UK on a permanent basis the right to apply for any pension at all. As their assets are reduced these people will become a cost to the UK tax payer. Surely this is an opportunity to provide fairness for both sides.
Mr M Roberts
March 21, 2019 - 4:37 am
Dear Sirs
Where do they print the results of the meeting for Frozen British Pensions held on Tuesday 19th March in Room Q in Portcullis 1000 – 1100 am
Thankyou M Roberts
john west
March 21, 2019 - 6:21 am
Yes, more and more people are becoming aware and support us but that one word ACTION again by those who could, but would rather their own British born and bred Citizens to live in even more poverty (if this is possible!!) and frankly want us to die ASAP
Howard Garstka
April 4, 2019 - 12:16 pm
I heard somewhere of a question (or something) in Parliament in April 2019. Is this true and if so when
Howard Garstka
Expat in South Africa