APPG meeting held to mark the launch of new landmark report of the Government’s ‘frozen’ pensions policy.

March 12, 2024 Frozen British Pensions 8 Comments

In March of this year, International Consortium of British Pensioners (ICBP) Board Member Patrick Edwards visited the UK to promote our new report titled ‘Frozen Pensions: A Policy Overdue for Review’ and discuss the recent engagement from the Canadian and Australian Governments on the policy.

The report presents key findings on the cost of addressing the policy issue, estimated at approximately £60 million per year to Treasury should the Government mimic previous reciprocal agreements the UK has negotiated with other countries in the past, and opt to unilaterally uprate all overseas pensions going forward.

Amongst attendees at the APPG meeting were parliamentarians Martyn Day MP, Lord Wasserman, Lord Davies of Brixton, and Lord German, as well as a representative from the Australian High Commission.

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  1. Grant McLachlan
    May 24, 2024 - 7:31 am

    I am keen to know if there is any progress on the frozen pension issue. I am in South Africa and I hope the Australian and Canadian contingent don’t forget about us in South Africa, and that we have had made the same contributions over the years!

    I am also keen to know if a new government after the election would be prepared to make a move on this issue.

  2. BrianSlade
    May 24, 2024 - 1:39 pm

    15 years now on a Frozen UK State Pension for which I paid full NHI contributions during my working life. Inflation during that time, here in South Africa and elsewhere, has averaged 5% pa. There are no (polite) words to describe this indefensible, discriminatory policy. I hope the new Labour government will be more sensitive to our plight and do the right thing but I am not holding my breath. Collectively I’m sure we save the NHS more pa than it would cost to update our pensions!

  3. Timothy Hill
    July 3, 2024 - 11:01 pm

    I choose to live in Brazil , yet I still pay taxes in the UK why ? to finance illegal entry across the channel by so many in small boats seeking asylum , good old England treat everybody fairly APART from the British citizens who have contributed all their lives and then decided “ how dare they decide to live abroad “ we are not a burden to the UK anymore . We have chosen to live abroad and are now being penalised with no yearly increases in our pensions , everybody sympathises with us , we don’t need your sympathy just equality , how many MPs does it take to understand this situation , it seems a lot, I credit MPs with intelligence and understanding .
    Keep knocking out the reports keep sympathising with us , you’ve no need to worry about your incomes for the future , a small amount annually can make a big difference for us who choose to live abroad , we need the annual increase, not another report or another meeting get your act together here’s a word for you EQUALITY

  4. Timothy Hill
    July 11, 2024 - 2:51 pm

    Ladies and Gentlemen in the APPG , give the hundreds of thousands of frozen pension victims a vote in elections and make it easy for us to cast , and we will vote for the party that unfreezes our pensions , we paid our dues and still pay taxes in the UK . I really think this has be illegal withholding our increases . It’s time you actually stood up for us

  5. Timothy Hill
    August 22, 2024 - 10:26 pm

    Dear Sir , can you tell me the current labour governments stance on frozen pensions for those British citizens who have worked all their lives paid NI for decades , and then went to live abroad in retirement ,but of course in the wrong place .? , and, who still pay tax and do not take anything from the Uk , are not a burden on the NHS OR THE FREE GIFT SYSTEM , if I was to turn up on the shores of the UK would I be treated this unfairly , I think it’s time to put this injustice right or does labour stand for inequality.
    I await your reply TIMOTHY HILL , resident of Brazil

  6. Timothy Hill
    November 7, 2024 - 10:54 pm

    Ladies and Gentlemen , I think we all know we are never going to get any joy with this , so many names in this APPG all fighting our corner , have we ever heard anything positive , have we ever heard anything ? What is it they actually do for us , big names even larger titles but nothing else , come on Lords and Ladies have a bit of substance and make a name for yourselves ,earn your money , I choose to live abroad and have my pension frozen , but I still pay tax which pays your wages , so shake a leg I’d like to have the money to enjoy my retirement

  7. Brian Plato
    January 11, 2025 - 10:15 am

    As a British overseas resident of Canada. Were we told for year that the the opposition parties in Westminster Parliament were asking those stingy Conservatives to uprate our pensions in Canada. Well in the last election, didn’t Sir Kier Starmer become Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. Labour MP for Holborn and St Pancras and Leader of the Labour Party. the same Labour party that was supposedly asking those tight fisted Conservative’s why they were being soooo stubborn.
    As a Knight Commander of the Order of the Bath (KCB) for “services to law and criminal justice”. Why is it that our plight of injustice is Not receiving immediate attention?

    As a natural born British National IF I return to Britain and take up residence. I am sure that the services I will be entitled to would cost the country far more that your government is cheating me out of.

  8. Brian Plato
    January 11, 2025 - 10:16 am

    As a British overseas resident of Canada. Were we told for years that the the opposition parties in Westminster Parliament were asking those stingy Conservatives to uprate our pensions in Canada. Well in the last election, didn’t Sir Kier Starmer become Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. Labour MP for Holborn and St Pancras and Leader of the Labour Party. the same Labour party that was supposedly asking those tight fisted Conservative’s why they were being soooo stubborn.
    As a Knight Commander of the Order of the Bath (KCB) for “services to law and criminal justice”. Why is it that our plight of injustice is Not receiving immediate attention?

    As a natural born British National IF I return to Britain and take up residence. I am sure that the services I will be entitled to would cost the country far more that your government is cheating me out of.

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