Notice of AGM – Wednesday 14 September 2016, 11am
July 26, 2016 Frozen Pensions 1 Comment
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the APPG on Frozen British Pensions will be held on Wednesday 14 September at 11am on the Parliamentary Estate. The Agenda will be confirmed nearer the time.
of the APPG on Frozen British Pensions
DATE: Wednesday 14 September 2016
TIME: 11am
1. Campaign Update
a. Update from the Chair on parliamentary activity
b. Update from the International Consortium of British Pensioners
2. Main Discussion: Frozen Pensions in the Overseas Territories
[UK Representatives of the Overseas Territories invited]
3. AGM Business
a. Election of Officers
b. Income and Expenditure Report
c. Membership Update
d. Future Plans
4. AOB
All APPG members, prospective members and parliamentary staff are welcome to attend. (Only parliamentarians have voting rights). Non parliamentary pass holders interested in attending, are asked to email the group’s secretariat in advance:
It would be appreciated if any member wishing to stand for election as an Officer of the group could notify the Secretariat in advance.
Brian Corrigan
August 30, 2016 - 2:05 pm
Theresa May has promised to begin the process of exit (BREXIT ) from the EU early in 2017,which I presume will start the process of trade and treaty renegotiations. Can anyone see any reasons why the negotiations,which will need to be entered into regarding the hundreds of thousands of British expat pensioners, currently enjoying uprating of their State Pensions,can not be extended to include the countries who have no indexing? And, if this is the case,would it be a good idea for the ICBP, on behalf of the 540,000 frozen pensioners,to request an inclusion?